Sunday, August 03, 2008

Words from Heaven

The late "Dobro" was an incredible poet. I wish I could have "met" her while she was still living. She was bipolar and suffered from schizoaffective dosorder as well.
Read Storms of Madness here.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


I've gone missing and don't know where to find myself
Wasn't I a girl last time I looked?
A girl with hopes and dreams and all her life ahead?

When did I become this thing
This bloated, hopeless, human lie
With every possibility buried in the dust of time
And nothing to look forward to
Except the grave


Forever is a lie a child tells herself

Forever love
Forever friendship
Forever family

Family members die because life is not eternal
Lovers lie
Friends leave

Forever is a lie that would be wonderful to believe