Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dark Obsession

I'm not ashamed of you
And if I only could
I'd let the world know the way I feel
I treasure your peculiar beauty
The predatory look in your eyes
And the way you sink your fangs into my heart
Injecting your venom like a snake
Destroying all hope within my soul
But I can't risk letting anyone know
For I would only be seen as mad
And others who are as obsessed with you as I
Would seek to destroy what was left of me
You never used me as you did some of them
You let me know from the start
That I didn't measure up
I told the world that I didn't care
But when I am alone at night I dream of you
If you promised you would treasure my heart
I would let you cut it from my chest
If you promised you would cleave to my soul I'd sell it to you
Along with any chance for future happiness
What must I do to merit your attention?
You treat me with disdain and I endure your devaluation
You smile at me but for a moment and I soar above my degredation
I can tell no-one of the truth between you and me
"It isn't healthy," they would say
It's an addiction
An obsession
And they are right
But I would rather have cancer eat away what's left of my decaying heart
Than to lose the slender thread by which I cling to you
Dark hearted beauty
Twisted treasure
You are the secret which I keep
You are my dark obsession


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