Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Alone With Myself

Tonight the pain within my heart
Flows out on a river of wasted tears
Alone with the moon shining coldly down on my agony
Alone with the sound of no-one's footsteps at my door
Alone with the sound of my breaking heart
Alone with only the pathology of my distorted thoughts
I don't know what love is
I only know obsession and loss
Desire is not love
And this can't be love
Because love is not pain
Desperation is not desire
But desire can be confused with obsession
I wait
Dangerously alone
Obsessed with no-one I can see
Desiring something I can't touch
Desperate for something I can't have
Alone with my thoughts torturing me
My mind twists around itself
And I slowly
Go insane



Tom & Icy said...

Maybe you want what you don't want, or don't want you want.

My verifier is uchsz

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Lammy, you have been reading too much of the wisdom of Josephine S. Blick!

My verifier is vhyfibe.

Anonymous said...

"Ennui," a previously unpublished poem by the late Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Sylvia Plath, will appear November 1, 2006 in Blackbird: an online journal of literature and the arts (www.blackbird.vcu.edu). Journey, a published poet and recent winner of the Wabash Prize from Sycamore Review, is the author of a forthcoming scholarly article on "Ennui."

Mei Liu (Intern, Blackbird: an online journal of literature and the arts)

Cie Cheesemeister said...

I guess you couldn't find anyone else to spam.
You remind me of a swarm of flies buzzing around a rotting corpse.